Sunday, April 3, 2011

Upping The Ante On My Spices...

Fresh, ground spices

Oregano, parsley, turmeric...oh my!!! I LOVE everything about spices and herbs. The color, the smell, the way they can completely transform blah foods into something with so many levels of flavor.

Here is how I currently store my extra spices since
 I don't have a lot of room in my kitchen.
I just love the warms colors. 

This year y'all I'm stepping up my spice and herb game. So come on and join me! (btw a spice video is coming soon)

I'm gonna go all exotic and try things I've never cooked with before.  My palette is getting so excited just thinking about it.

My first field trip will be to Savory Spice Shop in Raleigh, NC (wouldn't you so want to go into this  little cute shop if you were strolling down the street on a lazy Sunday afternoon??)

Savory Spice Shop

The Savory Spice Store sells all kind of spices, herbs, seasoning and extracts.  All spices are grounded fresh on site in small weekly batches.  Love that!! Check them out online.

First on my list of spices to try is:

Cassia Buds
Cassia Buds:  These are the unopened flowers from the cassia (cinnamon) tree. They look like small cloves. The flavor is close to cinnamon but with a more floral, wine-like scent. (I'm ready to try this with my Fall baking and I bet this would taste DIVINE in lattes! Can't wait!)


Za'tar: Mixture of sumac, sesame seeds and other herbs. Commonly used in the Middle East and often mixed with olive oil. (I think I tasted this when I was in Israel and LOVED it)

Arrowroot Powder: Often used in Caribbean cooking as a thickener for gravies, sauces and pies. It is more easily digested that other thickeners.  (I'm anxious to try another thickener beside the common flour and cornstarch)

Those are just a few spices first up on my list!!

What are your favorite spices and what spices would you like to try???


  1. fab spice storage love it! Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  2. I have zatar and I have no idea what to do with it. Can't wait to see what you do with yours.

  3. The Zatar seems interesting. I would love to try that.

  4. My favorite spice is cardamom, which I put in pancakes and anything vanilla~y that is baked.

    I'd love to know how to use coriander and allspice and never know where to put them in my cabinet ~ with the sweet stuff or the herb stuff??

    Looking forward to it!

  5. Love this. Where did you purchase the containers that you use for your spices?

  6. Yes I'm so ready to get that Za'tar!

    Annonymous you keep your spices categorized?? I'm so jealous!!

    I got those containers from Ikea.
