Thursday, July 7, 2011

Time For Some Philly Sushi Rolls!!!

Bangin' Philly Sushi Rolls

I'm a rookie when it comes to Sushi but I've been climbing the ranks fast by trying sushi every chance I get.  Everybody told me to start with the philadelphia (philly) roll;  rice, cream cheese and cucumber rolled inside of seaweed. Sounds simple enough.

I still LOVE getting the Philly roll when I go out but honestly I prefer my homemade version which uses smoked salmon flavored cream cheese. #YUM!!!

The sushi rice is well seasoned with vinegar, salt, and sugar.  I really hate bland tasting sushi rice and I've noticed only a few sushi joints take the time to season the rice.

Making homemade sushi is so easy and there is something oddly relaxing about it. Or maybe it's just that I tend to make sushi when I'm home alone on rainy days with nothing else to do.  It's total comfort food to me and since my hubby & son hates it, I don't have to share.

I can see a sushi party with my favorite divas in the near future. I just have to convince them that all sushi doesn't have to have raw fish in it.

1 cup sushi rice
1 cup water
1/4 cup rice vinegar
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cucumber
Salmon flavored cream cheese
Wasabi sauce
Soy sauce
Nori Sheets

Watch me make these bangin' Philly Sushi Rolls from start to finish!!!

1 comment:

  1. We have a Japanese restaraunt here in Austin, TX that makes great Philly sushi rolls with smoked salmon, cream cheese & advocado!! Not much of a sushi lover but love these!!
