Sunday, March 20, 2011

Food Blog Love: Cooking On The Side

The majority of my Saturday was spent food lusting on various food blogs and photo sites. I'm so glad that so many of my readers share my food porn addiction. I really could spend hours "oohh'ing and ahhh'ing" at photos of food.

Well I don't know how I lucked up but I accidently clicked on some link that took me to a really cool food blog:  Cooking On The Side

After stalking this blog for a few seconds I knew I HAD to bookmark it.

This blog features recipes that all come from the side/back/front of food packages. I thought this concept was SO COOL! Especially since I'm always kinda nervous to cook off the side of the package because they rarely have photos of the dish and if they do, they hardly look or sound appealing.

Well Kathy over at Cooking On The Side is tackling these recipes one at a time. She is sharing with us the outcome and giving us the 411 on these recipes with great photos of the process! I so appreciate you Kathy!!

I can't wait to try out these recipes. They all seem pretty simple and quick which would make great week night meals!.


  1. Thanks for sharing this site, my mouth was watering as soon as I clicked on the link!

  2. Have you been to the She has some good looking food too. Check it out.

  3. has easy simple recipes i've tried a lot of them and they are good

  4. That's really funny that you say you're scared of trying those recipes. After using your recipe for the banana pudding cupcakes with the Philly Cooking Creme, I decided to try the other flavors. Because I didn't really know how to use them, I just went with the recipes that came with the Garlic one (which came out pretty good) and the Italian Herb & Cheese (which was ok, but kinda dry and needed some more creaminess) So if I see a product I want to try, but don't know how to use, I generally go to their website because almost all companies have recipes for their products. Thanks for sharing this link!

  5. So glad to hear you're enjoying the blog! Thanks so much for featuring it. :-)

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