Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chocolate Milk, A Sports Drink? Shutcho Mouth!!!

Chocolate Milk Recovery Drink

With this Muffin Top Challenge in full effect I don't know if I could have survived this long without a recovery drink! Ok I'm probably being dramatic, but now that I've been drinking them I don't think I'll ever do insane workouts without them. (or at least without this recipe!)

The heck is a recovery drink? A recovery drink is a drink taken right after an insane, kick ass workout. You know the kind that have you slowly walking away and feeling like you are going to die. Your legs feel like you are dragging steel and every muscle in your body is spent. Yeah that kind.

 I don't usually workout that hard, but I'm on a timeline here to lose this weight so I've been putting it in hard!!  I'm sure my body and heart is probably wondering "the hell is this crazy b*tch doing!!

Recovery drink are suppose to be the perfect balance of carbs and protein to help replenish and revive muscles and help lessen soreness. Supposedly good ol chocolate milk is packing in those categories. Who wouldn't thunk it!!!??!!! It's always the ones that you least expect it to.....wait a minute..I feel myself getting off track here. Recovery drinks Monique!

Ok so the first day of my grueling workout I didn't drink a recovery drink and could barely walk the next day. I seriously felt like an old lady just trying to get around the house. Everything hurt. It hurt to sit and it hurt to stand. Ughhh!!!!

Well thankfully, I got this amazing recipe (if you want to call it that) for chocolate milk recovery drink from a coach that swore by it. Now I've heard of drinking gatorade and things like that to replenish the body after a workout but chocolate milk???  You gotta be kiddin me!

Of course my fingers started burning up google faster than a...than a...ah hell I can't think, but you know what I'm saying.  I read a few case studies and personal reviews on chocolate milk recovery drinks and decided it was sooooooo for me. Chocolate + strawberries+bananas= sign me up!!!

Since I've been drinking chocolate milk after my workouts I've noticed a huge difference in my muscle soreness the next day and the return of my energy level. Shoot I'm ready for round two of working out soon after!!!

So here's some more reading on it. Of course there's some controversy. Some hate it. Some love it. Decide for yourself.

CBS News
Mike Mix Recovery Drink
Why Drink Chocolate Milk After A Workout?

Below is my favorite recovery drink. Of course you could just drink the chocolate milk plain. I like the frozen banana and strawberries in there because I like a super cold (cools me down), creamy, smoothie-type drink and it wards off my hunger so it acts as a recovery drink and appetite suppressor.

Chocolate Strawberry Banana Recovery Drink
1 cup chocolate milk
1/2 frozen banana
1/2 c. frozen strawberries

Place in a blender and blend until smooth. (I like to leave a few frozen fruit pieces)

Watch me make this chocolate milk recovery drink from start to finish!

1 comment:

  1. I just started Turbo Fire which is a intense workout and I was going to order the programs recovery drink. But now I'm going to try your recipe.

    Does it matter what kind of chocolate milk? What kind did you use?
