Sunday, September 5, 2010

Real Fruit Smoothie Recipe

My Strawberry Banana Real Fruit Smoothie Recipe
Watch me make this smoothie from start to finish!

I'm slowly weening myself from McDonalds real fruit smoothies with my own strawberry banana smoothie recipe.  When I talk addiction I am being 100% serious here! That McCafe banana strawberry smoothie is the devil, you hear me!! I've never really been addicted to any kind of food in my life!

Yeah I like my cheesecakes and I'm a jollier chick if I start my day with Starbucks but wouldn't call myself addicted. I don't  know what it is about McDonald's smoothies though. Yeah they are tasty but I'm sure I've had better. For some reason though I just COULDN'T STOP DRINKING THEM!!  That $2.79 for a small cup adds up fast when you are chugging back 3-4 a day! I found myself begging my husband to pick me up a cup every time he'd go out. Eventually he'd tell me no and I'd completely blow up at him.

I haven't even tried the wild berry kind, God forbid I do! I'm so disappointed in myself for spending so much money on these things. I hear they aren't even all that healthy anyway. I had to come up with my own strawberry banana smoothie recipe to help the transition off this smoothie crack go easier.

I must say that rehab is going great!!! Since this blog post I have not had a McDonald's McCafe Real Fruit Smoothie in 5 days and honestly.....I'm not even craving them anymore! It may cross my mind to sneak off and get one but I just whip up this delicious smoothie recipe and my craving is nixed!!

I don't ever want to go down this path again. If you too are struggling with McDonald's Real Fruit Smoothie addiction then I hope you find help in this recipe. Remember I'm here for you, if you find yourself getting weak just drop me and email and make this smoothie immediately!!

1/2 cup french vanilla yogurt (I use Stoneyfields organic yogurt)
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 of a small banana
2 Tablespoons of milk or apple juice
1-2 teaspoons of sugar (I don't use sugar when I'm using apple juice)

*Note* I don't use ice since I use frozen strawberry but you can use ice if you'd like. 

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until desired constancy is reached.



  1. Hi new friend, I am now following you via MBC.

  2. I have the same problem with the mccafe frappes. Those thing will eat a hole in your pocket! I have been looking online for a recipe for that and I have yet to find one. I was thinking about trying the iced coffee drink you have on this site and just blending it but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

  3. Hey Gina!!!!!!

    Hunniegolden I haven't tried the frappes yet. I'm kinda nervous to try it now though if it has you addicted.

  4. I just made this smoothie! As we would say... "I put my foot in it!!" lol... Thanks for the receipe!
    McCafe Frappes have very little coffee in them.. but it's a cheap alternative to Starbucks Frappucinos.

  5. Wow this is awesome. I absolutely love those smoothies but I didn't want to keep paying for them. Your recipe is delicious. I just tried it out using my ninja and it came out perfect and tastes delicious. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Monique thank you so much for all your recipes. I changed mines up just a little. I used 1 cup Strawberries, 1 cup Apple Juice-(Motts), 1 banana and 2 tablespoons of yogurt cause I want more of juice instead of yogurt taste and it was great! Thank you so much. And just cause I know you guys will be hooked on Monique's Smoothie go to Sams and purchase big bag of sliced dole strawberrie...$8.98. Love ya girl!

  7. Hey Monique,

    Where did you get that hand crank food processor/blender. Oh and like the ladies before me said about the Frappes oh my I need a recipe for mocha or caramel pleaseeeeee with caramel and mocha on top lol.

  8. I tried this and i dont know what i did wrong but it was way to sweet, couldnt taste the bananas, and all i could taste was yogurt :( i dont kow what happend
