Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rainbow Cupcakes for My Little Mook-Mook

Rainbow Cupcakes!

Something AMAZING happened at my home this week... a major milestone was reach...one that I thought would never come....MY BABY IS POTTY TRAINED!!! and he did it all by himself!!

I was gonna wait until he reached that two and half mark (in a few weeks) to start this process. I had all the stickers, charts, the works!! Well Mook-Mook literally woke up and said "pee pee in the potty" and he's been using it faithfully ever since!! He even wakes up in the middle of the night to tell me has to go potty.

Ahhhhh I'm beaming! I'm so proud of my boy and the realization that he will not be 20 years old and still in diapers.  I HAD to celebrate! I wanted to throw a party!!! One with streamers, balloons, and a potty theme...oh I had it all planned out but then I realized that it was a bit much, just a bit though.

Instead I decided to make him a special little treat. Something different. Something that I knew would bring a smile to his face.  RAINBOW CUPCAKES!! This rainbow cupcake recipe produces a bright, fluffy, & light vanilla flavored cupcake that is lightly sweetened. I frosted it with cool whip and it made for a quick, easy and special little after nap snack!

These cupcakes would go great for a carnival themed party. I can't help but think of clown hair when I eat these. You could also use a white boxed cake for this. To make tie-dye cupcakes, lightly swirl the batter with a knife.

Watch me make this rainbow cupcakes recipe from start to finish!

1  1/4 cups flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1  cup sugar
2 large eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
3/4 cup buttermilk
2 teaspoons vanilla
food coloring- blue, green, orange, red, yellow

Preheat oven to 350
Step 1.) In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, & salt. Set aside.
Step 2.) In a large bowl, whisk eggs, buttermilk, sugar, oil & vanilla, until combined.
Step 3.) Add the dry ingredient to the wet ingredients and mix until combined.
Step 4.) Divide the batter up into 5 bowls.
Step 5.) Add a few drops of food coloring into each bowl until the colors are vibrant.
Step 6.) Spray a muffin tin with cooking spray.
Step 7.) Layer the colors in the muffin tin starting with blue then, green, yellow orange & red. Do not try to smooth the batter. Use a swirling motion to layer the colors.
Step 8.) Cook for 15 to 20 minutes.


  1. I made this with my son the day I saw the recipe and HE LOOOOVED IT! lol My son is 4 years old and always wanting to try new things so this was great for him. Super easy and tasty. Even my man and his boys had some. Picture grown ass men eating rainbow colored cupcakes!

  2. wow this is very unique, youre the best! im definately going to try this. i cant thank you enough for this blog. muah thanks a bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I made these the same day i saw this recipe....and OMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. they were ::::::: suppperrr fancy!!! love love loveeeeee. lol, i have never made a desert from scratch. thank you sooo much for this recipe the fam loves them. and my husbands in the military and he wants me to make them for a bake sell ( so he can show them off lowkey) lol. thank you sooo much ;)

  4. You have created a rainbow cupcake monster over here LOL! This has got to be the easiest scratch cake recipe in the world. I have added rasberry flavoring to mine, making Rasberry Rainbow Cupcakes for my niece's birthday for her class! I also sprinkle white crystal sanding sugar on the top to add a littele bling:) AND, my niece is also in the youth auxillary for my sorority, so for her meeting, I added blueberry flavoring, left half of the cake mix white, and made the other half blue...making blue & white Blueberry Swirl Cupcakes! Then I frost those with white icing and sprinkle them with blue sugar. These came out great too. Thanks so much for this fabulous recipe!
