Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies Giveaway!


Congrats Cheryl F!!! 
Please email me your mailing address!

Thanks to all who participated and I'm so sorry for the delay!!
 More contests coming next month!! 

For My Email Subscribers Only!!
Ends July 8th 2010

It's that time again divas!!!!! CONTEST TIME!!!!Up for grabs we have a yummy Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies Giveaway Pack!! And let me just say yall, these brownies are FAB!! I mean does Pillsbury really make anything gross??

This brownie giveaway pack includes:
  • (2) full-size containers of Whipped frosting
  • Deluxe cake decorators kit
  • Brownie carrying container
  • $25 gift card to SAMS club where you can purchase a sheet of these amazing ready-made brownies!

Ok here's how to enter. Simply leave a comment below answering this: 

Share a situation in which the new Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies would be a perfect treat!

Your comment order will be your number. The winning number will be selected by Check back on July 8th to see if your name has been announce. If so, shoot me your email and your brownie pack will be on the way!!!

Remember this contest is for my email subscribers only. Any comments that are place under "anonymous" will not be eligible.  If the winning number has not contacted me within a week I will select another winner.

Well I ended up serving these brownies for a quick snack. I made brownie sandwiches!  I actually cut the brownies into squares and then cut each sqaure in half lengthwise. I mixed the frosting with cream cheese and sandwiched it between the brownie slices. I wrapped them up in seran wrap and tossed them in the crisper and we've been snacking on brownie sandwiches all week! 

These free products, information, online coupon link, and gift packs were all provided by Pillsbury and MyBlogSpark.


  1. The perfect time for Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Brownies would be after a hectic schedule of exams.Sharing them with friends or family with a pitcher of ice cold milk and watching a relaxing movie would be ideal to me.

  2. The perfect time for my family would be after a Sunday afternoon nap. I love for my husband and son to wake up to the scent of something tasty made especially for them. We are brownie fans and I am always looking for ways to enhance our favorite dessert so I will definitely try the brownie sandwich.

  3. The perfect time for Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge brownies would be after a great barbeque dinner. I'm talkin bbq chicken, corn on the cob, potato salad, and sweet iced tea. Those brownies would hit the spot with some ice cold milk and a movie to snuggle up with your honey. Mmm mmm good!

  4. Dayum I just bought like 4 packs of these from Target.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  5. The perfect time for a brownie is when I'm having a girl's day with my beautiful 12 year old daughter. I'm teaching her how to cook and she loves to bake. We bake dinner together and afterwards we share a delicios chocolate dessert. I'm a chocolate lover and she's one too. We take the left overs and use them to make sundaes.

  6. The perfect situation for Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge brownies is my team's weekly Wednesday morning staff meeting. Perfect wake up with a nice cup of coffee, tea or milk. Leftovers are enjoyed for the afternoon office pick me up to get you energized to make it through until quitting time. YUMMY-O!!!

  7. Any day of the week...there are teenaged boys hanging around hungry at my house!

  8. The perfect time for brownies is when you're having a sweet tooth.

  9. The perfect time for brownies is on anytime! I love them, and adding things to them is great!!! My fav, brownies with peanut butter chips!!

  10. These would be perfect anytime, especially at kids birthday parties.

    tcarolinep at gmail dot com

  11. These would be perfect movie snack. I'm always looking for those!


  12. Anytime is the perfect time for brownies.. but if I had to choose one occasion.. my family and I get together every weekend, this would be perfect for our family lunch that we have.

  13. These would be perfect for our summer family BBQ's

  14. The perfect time for Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies would be to have them as a dessert at a family get together or cook out, maybe with some ice cream making little sundae sandwiches yum!

  15. Subscribed to Yes,Divas Can Cook by email -- Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies would be a perfect treat at our family reunion :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

  16. Hey Divas! Those Pillsbury chocolate chunk fudge brownies would be an excellent foundation for a rich and chocolately trifle, a new family favorite ( I made it for the first time in June).

    I'd start with a layer of the chunky brownies, followed by layers of cookies, whipped cream and pudding. Of course, I'd leave a couple of the corner brownies to the side for me and my sidekick, my 6-year old daughter Briah, who proudly serves as my "taster" and "bowl-licker" at every opportunity!

    Heather Hampton
    printovations at gmail dot com

  17. The best time would be after having a loooong day at work (I am a painter) Usually when I come home I have paint all over in my hair etc. My Back, arms and feet hurting. I sit on my couch and my hubby brings them over to ME along with a glass of Lactaid milk. Mmmmm. Fresh out the oven. Talk about heaven!

  18. The perfect time for a brownie will be when my mother,sister and her family all come up to visit. After spending time with them, I need all the chocolate I can get.

  19. The perfect time for a brownie fix at my house is lawn/wash day. My teens wash the cars and mow the lawn so an added treat is always a plus.

  20. The Perfect time for Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies would be anytime you were craving chocolate especially that time of the month. LOL

  21. The Perfect time for Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies would be when I pick my son up from preschool after a lone day, as a nice treat and afternoon snack for him and me too!

  22. These would be a perfect treat on Friday nights when I curl up with the Hubby and watch movies!

  23. There are so many times that these Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies would be perfect: book club meeting, IODE meeting, when my MIL drops by unexpectedly and I NEED something quick to impress her with!

    These would be perfect!

    Thank you for hosting this delicious giveaway!

  24. Will you be announcing the winner soon? I've been checking every day to make sure I don't miss your announcement.

    "Check back on July 8th to see if your name has been announce."

  25. Cheryl F - Ha! I guess you knew you were gonna win huh because YOU DID!!! lol Congrats!!!

  26. I sent you an email -- *Thanks so much* Yes,Divas Can Cook and MyBlogSpark! We look forward to trying Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies :)
