Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fruit Salsa With Cinnamon Tortilla Chips

Fresh Fruit Salsa with 
Homemade Cinnamon Sugar Tortilla Chips

If chick food really exists then this homemade fruit salsa with baked cinnamon sugar tortilla chips is high up on that list!

I like to stick the fruit salsa in the freezer for a while until it get partially frozen and then pair it up with those buttery, hot, crisp & chewy cinnamon tortilla chips... BLISS I tell ya!!

I can't tell you how many times I've curled up on the couch with this stuff watching a marathon of lifetime movies or yapped on the phone with my sisters for hours while laughing, dipping and eating bowl after bowl.

But my all-time favorite way to enjoy this fruit salsa and cinnamon tortilla chips is to sit on the beach and PEOPLE watch!! Omg that is the funnest thing ever.  Especially if you have a group of girlfriends with you and it's a crowded day at the beach. Pure entertainment at it's best! We easily go though loads of this stuff and not even realize it.

I've finally got my husband to try it and he's hooked! Although I doubt he'd want his friends to know. It's simple, easy and a great summer appetizer or snack.

You can even make this fruity snack healthier by using whole wheat tortilla, olive oil, and going easy on the sugar (although I've never tried it that way, but I hear it's tasty.)

(feel free to use your favorite fruits, but apple and banana's taste weird with this in my opinion)

1 pint of strawberries
1/2 cup pineapples (I used canned)
1 cup of peaches ( I used canned)
3 kiwi's
2 Tablespoons of fruit preserve (optional) I hardly ever use this unless I'm using all fresh fruit.
6  flour tortillas (8-inch)
3-4 Tablespoons butter,  melted
2 Tablespoons of sugar
1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon
cooking oil


Preheat oven to 350

Step 1.) Dice up the strawberries, pineapples, peaches and kiwi.

Step 2.) Place the fruit into a bowl and mix to combine. If using fruit preserve add it in now. Place into the refrigerator to chill. I place mine in the freezer to get it colder faster. 

Step 3.) Spray two baking sheets generously with cooking oil. Set aside.

Step 4.) Stack tortillas on a plate and slice them into 8 slices.

Step 5.) Place the tortilla slices on the baking sheets.

Step 6.)  Melt butter in a bowl

Step 7.) In a small bowl, combine cinnamon and sugar.

Step 8.) Brush tortillas with butter and then sprinkle with the cinnamon sugar mixture.

 Step 9.) Bake for 5-7 minutes. (be careful not to over bake. Tortillas will crisp up more as they cool. )

Step 10.) Remove from oven and let cool.



  1. Wow, I can't wait to try this! It includes all of my favorite fruits too!

  2. This looks soo yummy, can't wait to try it!!!

  3. beautiful photographs! thanks for sharing! looks yummy

  4. I just made this and it is delicious!!!! Thanks soo much for posting this recipe!!

  5. OMG I have tried a lot of your recipes and they are all fab. This one has to be one of my favs. The kitchen smells so good with the cinnamon in the oven mmmmmhhhhh lol. but really I was sooooo full after a couple of chips. Next time I will try the whole wheat tortillas. You are a great inspiration. Im prepared for any occasion. "You betta Work!!!"

  6. I made this yesterday for a baby shower I was planning and it was a BIG HIT. Everyone loved it and we told them to look you up, so soon you should have a few more followers! Thanks Diva!

  7. Wow, looks scrumptious!!! Will definitely try this one!

  8. I tried this recipe this past weekend and my kids loved it. I have made it 3 times since Friday and they can't get enough.

  9. This is wonderful. I've made this a few times now and everyone loves the salsa and fresh chips. I've include papaya and chopped peeled apples.

  10. I must say this was a wonderful recipe! It was so simple and tasty. My guy didn't really think the cinnamon chips and fruit would go together but after he ate it...OMG I caught him at 2am finishing it off! LOL. Thanks Diva for the great recipes and keep 'em coming!

  11. I made this twice & luv it.After chilling, mine alway's has juice in it & I notice your's doesnt. still taste great.

  12. OK, I just found you when I was looking for soul food mac and cheese for my wedding which I am catering (diy, low budget) and so far I am going to use three of your recipes...mac and cheese, fruit punch and fruit salsa/chips for appetizer! Thanks!

  13. Just tried this recipe and it is great!!! My son loves it!!:) Thank you!
