Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Pillsbury's Honey Butter Biscuits Giveaway

Contest Closed
For my Subscribers Only!

Pillsbury is introducing a new biscuit flavor.....HONEY BUTTER!! Yumm! They are offering one of my readers a chance to win a honey butter biscuit prize pack which includes:

  1.  A glass butter dish
  2.  A butter knife
  3. 2 coupons for 2 FREE cans of Pillsbury Honey Butter Biscuits 

My Review:
I made these last night and they were so good. I baked one can for breakfast, served along side with cheese grits, sausage & eggs. For dessert I made the other can by rolling them into balls & frying them in oil. When they were done I  sprinkled on some powdered sugar. Tasted just like a funnel cake! Pilsbury has always been one of my favorite canned biscuits. I'll be buying this new honey butter flavor again.

Wanna win this prize pack? All you have to do is answer this one question:

What is a typical breakfast in your house?

Winner will be picked at random using an online number generator. Your number is the order you post in.

Winner announced on Wednesday December 30!

Winner: Congrats #12! (Sweet Soul Creations!)

Thanks to all who participated!
This giveaway was provided by Pillsbury through myblogspark.


  1. I'm the mom of two toddlers, so breakfast in my house is pretty simple. Scrambled eggs (with different combos of veggies, meat, and cheese), Fresh fruit, and some sort of starch( bagel, english muffin, french toast, pancakes, waffles etc.)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. the most common breakfast in my house is oatmeal. my grandfather loves to use juice to boil his in. i'm a typical milk and sugar in my oats person. other than that i keep it quick/simple with either pancakes, turkey bacon & fruit or a variety of cereal in cold milk.

  4. As a working mom with 3 boys the typical breakfast would be cereal but on the weekend when I have more time I make eggs, bacon, grits and toast or biscuits.

  5. I love bread, so typical for me is tea, milk (sometimes soymilk) or hot chocolate and whatever bread-y item I've made that week: toast, muffins, scones, cinnamon rolls.

  6. my two year old is in love with eggs.. day or night she wants eggs. So it's usually scrambled eggs and toast, or pankcakes, muffins, or cinnamon raisin bread, and Of course juice.

  7. I rush so much during the week! In the morning, I grab a cup of yogurt. However, there is nothing like "brinner," breakfast for dinner! I LOVE waffles, eggs, bacon, grits, any kind of breakfast for dinner.

  8. I dont really eat breakfast, I just make some mixed cereal and fruit for my toddler. Even though I love it I dont cook it until the weekends.

  9. I really dont cook breakfast until the weekends and we usually have homemade blueberry pancakes with blueberry sauce, bacon,scrambled eggs and oj.

  10. My typical breakfast for my family is oatmeal, turkey bacon and OJ or AJ and the kids love, love, love any kind of fruit.

  11. My typical breakfast consists of turkey bacon, eggs, and green tea. If I need something really quick, it's yogurt and fruit.

  12. Breakfast at my house is catfish and grits!! I know that sound nasty but down south in Texas thats how we get down. You would never think it would taste good together but that crunchy fish with those creamy grits make you wanna slap somebody for real!! Then we pair that with hashbowns and homemade biscuits with some cinnamon butter on the side!!! Omg can you say heaven on earth lol!!

  13. My typical breakfast is a bowl of cereal in vanilla soy milk and a cup of fruit juice.
