Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Amish Bread Recipe...GONE SO WRONG!

What in the AMISH BREAD HELL!! How does a bread explode all over the oven. Please explain this to me. I made this video in tribute to my husbands Amish Bread. Yall....I don't even have words to say right now really. This is the same man that is coming out with a cooking blog. A cooking blog..Wow!! I'm still in shock that is he serious about this!

Yall he sits and plans out the meals he's gonna make on his blog and everything!  He hates cooking but being the competitive man that he is (and I love it) he is determined to take on this mission to prove that he can do it.  I'll support him every step of the way.... I mean I wanna be the supportive wife that encourages her man to grow...


I will not stand by him and watch my beloved oven and pans be violated in this manner!!!!!

Just watch the video. Give me some advice! Do I support him in this endeavor or tell him to breath, relax and just let this dream go like Sister Patterson's hairline?

**UPDATE***  My husband attempted this bread again on 12/26/09 and it was a success!!! Yayy! It turned out soooo soft and moist. Good job for trying again baby!!
( FYI: He used his SISTERS pan this time and lined the bottom of the oven: )


  1. LOL!! I have no idea why in the world it would explode. I have had bread go flat on me but nothing like that.

  2. maybe after he finishes scrubbing that oven, he will reconsider his cooking blog. still lol-ing!

  3. you guys make a beautiful couple.
    LOL @ the "competition" & "blow you outta the water". perhaps when he put the cake in the oven, there was a huge air pocket or 2 & he didn't lightly tap the pan b4 putting it in the oven? reminds me of something from a 3 stooges episode. LOL

    i nominated you for a blog award.
    somex these things can feel like a chain letter. LOL but i wanted u to know ur appreciated & you may get some more followers as a result. if you don't care to pay it 4ward, i'm totally ok w/ that. LOL the burden of having been nominated oy!

  4. Tell husband to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, LOL! That's too cute!

  5. LOL! You guys make a beatiful couple. I say you support him and maybe cooking could be another interest that you both share. Maybe he can help you on your blog on youtube instead of starting his own. So funny!

  6. Hubby's gotta love 'em! LOL Just make sure he cleans the oven.

  7. Ephesians 5:21-33!
    Praise Yahshua for truth!

  8. Ephesians 5:21-33!
    Praise Yahshua for truth!
