Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies (Target)

Toll House Freshly Baked Chocolate Chip Cookies 
(from Target)

I was in Target last week when I strolled across these babies, Toll House Freshly Baked Chocolate Chip Cookies. Ok I'll admit the photo of the big, chewy looking cookies on the package totally sold me.  They didn't look too bad in the package either so I thought, what the heck, I've never had an awful chocolate chip cookie anyway.

I ripped into them as soon as I got home and was pretty darn amazed when I took that first bite! For a ready-made cookie they were so good! I could seriously heat these up, throw them on a cooling rack and say I made them from scratch and nobody (well almost nobody) could prove me wrong!

Since then, I have purchased them three times and the last time I got them they were just "ok". They tasted kinda burnt. Since they are supposedly made in the store's bakery  I guess I got an overcooked batch, but that will not stop me from buying in the future.

They work GREAT for making ice cream cookie sandwiches! I've stocked my freezer up with them for quick, hot weather treats.

Toll House you did the damn thang on these chocolate chip cookies!!

Have you tried them out yet????


  1. I haven't tried these but I will be looking for them tomorrow when I go grocery shopping! lol Thank you.

  2. I'd rather make my own because a lot of store-bought processed foods contain trans-fats from hydrogenated oils.

  3. Let me know how you like them LaToya!

    Anonymous, I hear ya! I'm not a real big fan of store-bought chocolate chip cookies which is why I was so shocked that I loved these so much.
