Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lose My Muffin Top Challenge: DAY 1 of 30

Day 1
My Thoughts: Wow I really get to eat A LOT!!
Total Calorie Intake: 1587

Today was great! I spent all day on the 13th preparing my menu for the week (trying to keep it under 1900 calories) I really enjoyed finding filling foods within my calorie range. I think I went to school for the wrong thing. I so should have been a diet menu planner. I LOVE doing this. I haven't been hungry yet! My energy level is up. I just have an overall good feeling. It's amazing what exercise and an improved diet will do for ya.

Here's my schedule

**WORKOUT: 30 Day Shred 

Drank 8 oz of water

BREAKFAST= 440 Calories
Baked Spinach & Salsa Omelet and Small Fruit Smoothie

This was VERY filling. I use this recipe with these adjustments ( I adjusted the cooking time. Use 2 eggs, 2 T. soy milk, 1 T flour, 2 T. cheddar cheese, 1 cup chopped baby spinach, 2 T. Salsa, salt & pepper.) I sauteed the spinach first. This was so good. My toddler said it was egg lasagna. Next time I'll add some fresh garlic. For the smoothie, I blended 1/2 cup yogurt,  2 T. soymilk, 1/2 frozen fruit.

Drank 8 oz of water 

Strawberries & Cool Whip = 94 calories

I ate 9 strawberries with a 1/4 cup of cool whip. I was so hoping I could find that chocolate cool whip, but this was still a good snack and very filling.

Drank 8 oz of water

Grilled Turkey Avocado Sandwich, Veggie Chips & Chocolate Chip Cookie=356 calories

I used whole wheat bread, 2 slices of roasted turkey, slice of tomato, couple slices of avocado, spinach and sliced cheese. 1/2 a serving of veggie chips and only 1 soft batch cookie (toddler at the the other one) This lunch was so good, even though I wasn't even hungry.

Drank 8 oz of water

Salt Lime Popcorn = 95 calories

I ate half the bag of  lime & salt popcorn (mini size). So yummy!

Drank 8 oz of water

DINNER= 502 calories
Grilled Chicken, Tomato Pasta Salad, Green Salad

I was pressed for time so I just threw a plain chicken breast on the Foreman, boiled a half box of angel hair fiber pasta and added a can of salt free Italian seasoned chopped tomatoes to it. Along with some salt, pepper, parsley and Parmesan cheese. The side salad had cucumbers, cheese and a couple mists of salad dressing.

Drank 8 oz water

Skinny Cow White Mint Truffle Ice Cream Bar= 100

These were so good and hit the spot.

Drank 8 oz water

***WORKOUT: No More Trouble Zones


  1. Congratulations! I mus say, your food recipes are amazing! Thats always my downfall--cooking and measuring. so I stick to frozen foods. I have lost 50lbs and want to lose about 30 more. I went to the gym and used the 30 day shred. I had NO idea that the 30 day shred was so intense! I have all 9 of jillian's DVDs. I also recommend Leslie sansone's mile walks. They come in different numbers from 3-5 mile walks. They help alot! 1hr= 5miles and it goes by very quickly!

    I look forward to reading more of your journey!

  2. Love this meal plan. I think I'm going try a few tomorrow. Now, how about a low calorie macaroni and cheese? Lol

  3. you're on a roll! i started my operation get-unfat today (because i baked your red velvet cake for valentine's day and it was the BEST cake i have EVER made/eaten! i got up at 4 am valentine's day to eat the first piece.)

    keep it up! i look forward to reading more entries like this.

  4. hey diva, this is a lot of food for a diet!! im confused. i would skip a meal to see ultimate results, but good luck.

  5. Hi GG,

    Yep it's a lot of food and I LOVE it!! lol It's all within (actually under) the calorie range for my weight, height and activity level to drop some pounds. I was amazed at how much food I could eat if it was chosen and portioned out correctly.

  6. Thanks divas!!! We can do this!!!

  7. Everything looks delicious! Amazing job! I especially love the dinner you prepared. Exercise and light eating really is amazing for your energy level and overall living! Wish you luck with your 30 day shred!

  8. Hey GG,

    Skipping a meal actually does more harm than good. By eating more meals, you are speeding up your metabolism and allowing your body to work off the food faster. Skipping meals makes your body go into starvation mode and store more fat, which will make you end up with a pooch and more fat stored

  9. You once mentioned that your metabolism stays high because of a pepper drink. Can you please provide a recipe?



  10. yes,I just load a pitcher with a ton of fresh, cut peppers (more cayenne than others) then I fill it with water and a few drops of olive oil. It's gross. I haven't made this in a while, probably need to start back.

  11. Oh wow...thanks so much! I don't think I could hang. lol

  12. Hi Diva:

    I am with you as I need to lose my "double" muffin top. Thanks for providing us with the delicious meals you're preparing that are fit for real people (not the carrot sticks, asparagus, and other yucky stuff nobody really wants to eat). I have Jillian's dvds as well and I tried them last year. However, once I did P90X and Insanity the intensity I need for exercising has gone up so I am repeating Insanity right now. But I am right with you for this 30 day challenge and will let you know how much I loose.

  13. Wow good job, that grilled sandwich looks great too

  14. Please continue to post on about your challenge with recipes and videos updating us on how it goes! I have started to try my own weight loss challenge and your blogging would be so motivational!

    You can do it!

  15. Hi Monique these look great! I was wondering what size pan you made the omelet on?? Since the original recipe was twice as much in a 9x13.
